Embedded Software

Embedded software is a type of computer code written to control machines or devices not typically considered computers.


What is Shareware Shareware represents a unique software distribution model where users can initially access the software for free. This approach allows users to evaluate the software before committing to a purchase. Unlike freeware, shareware typically requires payment after a trial period for continued use or additional features. It bridges the gap between fully proprietaryContinue reading “Shareware”

Software Models Review

Let’s take a quick look and review what you have learned throughout the software models series. In summary, there are several ways in which organizations can approach addressing their software needs. Cloud Software Cloud software’s flexible and scalable nature offers significant benefits for many applications. However, it comes with challenges that require careful consideration, suchContinue reading “Software Models Review”

Custom Software

Custom software development is designing, developing, and deploying software applications tailored to an organization’s unique needs.

Tribal Library Structure

The Tribal Library structure includes article and lesson content organized into categories, series, or courses. Solutions are comprehensive downloadable kits specific to a use case. Articles Articles vary from high-level overviews to step-by-step guides or a combination of both. They consist of written, audio, or video content. Each article focuses on a single idea, butContinue reading “Tribal Library Structure”

Technology Learning

Discover the Wisdom of the Tribal Library True mastery in technology learning extends beyond solving isolated problems in the ever-evolving realm of technology. It’s about weaving through the vast tapestry of knowledge and seeing the interconnectedness of ideas and concepts. This is the essence of the Tribal Library — a rich, ever-growing resource designed forContinue reading “Technology Learning”

Fault Tolerance

Fault Tolerance is the ability of any system, platform, or environment to handle the failure of one or more of its constituent components. The degree of resiliency depends on addressing any single point of failure. Hardware At the hardware layer, tolerance is achieved through redundancy in power, compute, network, and storage components. This can alsoContinue reading “Fault Tolerance”