Software Models

The Software Models series explores the variety of development approaches/frameworks used today to create application software. Each article is presented in a consistent and intuitive structure for easy comparison.

Software Models Summary

Software Model Summary - Read First. This series includes an overview of some of the more common software models developers use to create software in today's ever-evolving market.

Cloud Software

Cloud software or (software-as-a-service or SaaS) is a distribution model in which software is hosted on remote servers.

Commercial Off The Shelf COTS

Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) software is a term for ready-made applications. These are commercial products available for purchase and use without any additional development.

Custom Software

Custom software development is designing, developing, and deploying software applications tailored to an organization’s unique needs.

Embedded Software

Embedded software is a type of computer code written to control machines or devices not typically considered computers.


Firmware is a unique type of computer software. It controls low-level operations for specific hardware devices.

Open-Source Software

Open-source software is publicly accessible source code that enables developers to reuse the code under specific license models.


Shareware is a software distribution model in which users are encouraged to try a limited software version for free.

Software as a Medical Device (SaMD)

Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) is software intended for one or more medical purposes, not part of a hardware medical device.

Software Models Review

Software Models Review takes a quick look back at the type of software organizations can use to address the needs of their business.